Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dragon guy!

Its been a while since I posted anything here that wasn't Shamoozal related. I've been busy getting the next short done in any spare time I have, but tonight I wanted to basically just scribble and have fun. I feel like I force myself to work in a tight line all the time, so I just wanted to toss some shapes down and let loose. I kind of like this guy a bit. Maybe I'll play with him a bit more later on.

Speaking of which, the new Shamoozal short will probably be done sometime next week? A large majority of it is done. All shots with the "Hipster" character have been done, and I was dropping in some BGs last night. Hopefully I'll be able to make a post here soon about it!


Andy J Smith illustration said...

Rock on! Very cool!

Brendan Tobin said...

I'm a scared. Good to see you flex your sketch muscles, Frank.
