Monday, December 08, 2008

Eggplant Wizard

This guy was great. I always loved the Eggplant Wizard from Kid Icarus. Though I've gotta say I love the Grim Reaper in it even more, so I may have to give him a shot this week, too.

This upcoming weekend, Saturday December 13th, the Shamoozal crew will be holding another live NES marathon for the Child's Play charity starting at 12 noon to 12 midnight. We're going to try and mix it up some, and not just have a couple of guys in a living room try to beat Mike Tyson (again) from Punch Out!!. We plan on doing some sketches of classic NES characters live and posting them up on Ebay where 100% of the money will go towards the charity. So, I'm trying to ramp up a bit to get in the mood this week, and try to knock a few of these out before the marathon begins.

Head on over to the Shamoozal for details!


Keelmy said...

Holy cow that's accurate. Did you look at a sketch or was this all from memory?

I really love the design from the show, it was very different from anything else on Saturday Morning... well Belmont was horrible but Mother Brain will probably be the most exposed character to ever live in Saturday mornings.

Frank said...

it wasn't entirely from memory. i pulled up a pic for reference. i had a few holes in my memory with some of the details.

captain N was horrible! gameboy may have been the worst character ever, ahhhah