Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ninja and new holiday podcast

Whew. It's been a while. I've been busy crank'n on freelance, and pitching in on the latest Shamoozal short, "Ninja", when I got the chance. For this one, I did the storyboading and the animatic. My bro Phil pretty much handled all of the animation. May I say I think it looks really good. Of course, my brother-in-law, Joe Mosceriello, handled all the music and SFX. I think it looks and sounds really good. So head on over to the Shamoozal and check it out! While you're there, say hi to the gang on the Smorgas Board and engage in some nerdy frivolity!

Speaking of nerds, our holiday podcast has gone live as well. So while you're over at the Shamoozal, check out the podcast to see what nonsense we're up to. Here's a hint: we play a new holiday themed game, talk about the Wii, and go nuts about all things nerd. If you've got iTunes, just do a search for "shamoozal" in the music store and you'll fine us. Otherwise, head over here!

Aww yeah.


Keelmy said...


BTW I still think Link should talk. :p

Mike Luzzi said...

Good deal, you've got some spelling errors there, pal. I will check out the new podcast and listen to it in ten minute chunks over the next 6 months. Haha, no. I will actually do this one in one sitting. Look forward to the new short, keep it up!

Frank said...

haha keelmy i tried to convince the other shamoozalites to see otherwise :)

thanks mike. i fixed the spelling errors, teach.