Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Had some time to rip these guys out...kind of a strange grouping. Maybe we can construct somekind of story out of all this nonsense?


Joe Andriola said...

aligator eats boys then steals his girlfriend. hows that work for a story frank. nice work.

Joe Andriola said...
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Mary Varn said...

OR....Suzie and Billy broke up and are fighting over custody of their pet gator, Snappy. Looks like Suzie's gonna get her way. Hot chicks in underwear usually do. Poor lonely Billy.

Frank said...

hah not bad. OR the gator is thinking of kidnapping the girl and the boy is going to have to rescue her?

Keelmy said...

Girl teases the boy to maddness, boy send psyhcic gator in retaliation.

Frank said...

hahhahahahah nice

Robin said...

Love that crocodile! or alligator... I can never tell the difference between the two, but nice character design. I'm a sucker for animals