Saturday, April 15, 2006

Quick one...

It been a while since I was able to post anything. I've been pretty busy over the last few weeks, and really haven't had much time to sit and sketch. So tonight, I had a few moments and wanted to get something done and stick it up here just to let all three people who come here know I'm still alive and kicking :)


Frank said...

so im gonna go ahead and make a comment on my own work. here goes:

that dangling arm is a bit long and harsh. overall, she's rather rounded and soft, but that arm just sticks out as a hard line and forming a rather unpleasant negative space with the curve of her back. additionally, the hand is posed awkwardly and doesn't have much grace to it. i can't see why someone would stand there with their hand posed like that.
maybe in the next few days i'll take another crack at this one and see what else i can come up with.

Keelmy said...

Those "deadpan" poses are a killer.

I think the arm is a victim of the animator in you wanting to go extreme. Seriously, the drawing looks fine.

If you decide to give it another pass, I'd give her alittle more emotion, perhaps clasping her hands together as she awaits anxiously for... something... pickles? err... the hero? whatever, you decide.

Dagan Moriarty said...

classy gals ALWAYS wear huge hats...

Frank said...

keelmy good points...and you're deffinately right. she has nothing going on. there's no thought involved which is also a good reason why its so bland.

dagan, i'm a fan of big hats...and of classy women for that matter :)